
Happy Saturday! Last night I was not much for cooking, I was pooped! Spring Creek BBQ to the rescue! We ordered enough to keep us going for a few meals – I was hungry for BBQ and I really needed some fried okra!

On to today – I felt like me again, and Eggs in a Hole was what I really wanted to eat. When I was in college, one of my first jobs was at Mama’s Café. This is where I learned about Eggs in a Hole – why had my parents sheltered me from this simple, yet amazing meal??? Mama’s Café was a big part of my life from the ages of 19 – 21 and they were the main place for a lot of my meals. Their chocolate cake was amazing! And this is where I learned to take leftover pot roast and turn it into some pretty kick-ass tacos – Thank you, Houston Boeker for introducing me to this concoction! I also learned that I was not meant to stay up all hours of the night and then get up and make it to class the next day. Alas, something had to give and it was my employment with Mama’s.

Here’s my version of Eggs in a Hole: