Time for New Recipes!

Visiting my mom usually means I come home with new, to me, cookbooks! This last visit yielded the first Magnolia Table, and The Pioneer Woman cookbooks. Today, it was Joanna’s turn to help with breakfast.

A few months ago, I attempted to make waffles with my trusty Bisquik baking mix. For those of you who don’t know, it doesn’t last forever and the use by date is there for a reason. The product didn’t go bad, but the baking powder’s ability to aid with a fluffy waffle had lost its magical powers. So, I had to toss the remainder of the mix and admit defeat with a not-so-great waffle. (Insert whomp, whomp sound)

Today, I remembered I had acquired the Magnolia Table cookbook and I was pretty sure Joanna had a recipe for pancakes. She did! The Best-Ever Fluffy Pancakes recipe was just what I was looking for. Super simple to make and once I master the skill of patiently waiting for the bubbles to form on the pancake before flipping, I will most likely have a picture-perfect pancake. Until then, obscure forms but delicious pancakes will have to suffice.

Magnolia Table Cookbook